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北京大学英语系 英国语言文学方向 文学学士

北京大学国政系 国际文化交流方向 法学学士

北京大学国际关系学院 国际传播与国际文化交流方向 法学博士

美国纽约市立大学研究生院 访问学者

美国阿肯色州沃西塔大学 访问学者

美国加州大学尔湾分校 访问学者

瑞典皇家理工学院 访问学者









英语新闻阅读(本科生)、国际传播案例研究(研究生)、(英语媒体)名记者专题(本科生) 、英语公共演讲(本科生)。

曾授课程: 高级新闻时评(研究生)、中西新闻比较研究(本科)、媒体中国与现实中国(留学生本硕)





1989《新概念英语》(音像) 北京大学出版社音像部

1990 《现代外国小说导读词典》(书)(集体编纂) 学苑出版社出版


1994《北京工艺》(英文纪录片解说词翻译及配音) 中央电视台

1999《北京大学学生优秀英语作文选评》(书)(主编) (北京大学出版社)

1999《马头琴之歌》(全国获奖电视记录片) 策划人之一

2000 《英语同义词近义词例解词典》(书)(集体编纂) (北京大学出版社,胡壮麟编)

2008 "Discovering Peking University: Heritage, Innovation and Impact "(书)(主编)(中文译名:《发现北大:传统、创新和影响力》,中国出版集团出版)


1991 “围城里两个少女的命运《北京大学学报》英语语言文学 专刊91第二期

1992 “大学英语精读教学过程最优化理论初探《北京大学学报》英语语言文学专刊92第一期

2006 贝弗利的断背山二十一世纪经济报道

2006 中国教育的贫困与美国说客的活跃 二十一世纪经济报道

2009 美国高等教育游说活动及其启示 《大学 研究与评价》(第4期)

2009 美国媒体2008北京奥运报道对中国媒体的启示 (何姝、李鸿飞)《北京行政学院学报》(第2期)


2010 “学院与特色 ----访美国圣约瑟学院校长 《大学》(学术版 第2期)

2010 都市里的特色大学:促进社会公正 ----访美国罗斯福大学校长 《大学》(学术版 第3期)

2010 世界一流大学的精神与气质 ----访美国耶鲁大学校长 《大学》(学术版 第6期)

2011 明确办学定位 守护质量提升 ----访瑞典皇家理工学院校长 《大学》(学术版 第3期)

2013 美国公立大学的改革与发展 ----访美国夏威夷大学校长 《大学》(学术版 7期)


2002 MLA文体手册和学术出版指南》([]约瑟夫吉鲍尔迪著,沈弘、何姝译,北京大学出版社)

2010 《如何发表公共演讲》(译著,北京大学出版社)

2010 365种改变世界的方法》(审校,生活、读书、新知三联书店出版)


2013 文化部课题:我国对外文化交流重大品牌活动评估项目 (美国媒体报道分析报告)(已结)

2014-2015 同上。(已结)


2017 《‘歪果仁’中文大闯关》(北京外语广播)

2017 《没有微信的那三天》(同上)

2017 《马韩辣味小PK》(同上)

2017 《我在北大找语伴》(同上)

2017 《和胖子一起暴食》(同上)

2018 《百廿特辑《我是北大人》系列节目》(北京大学国际合作部、北京大学电视台、北京大学新闻与传播学院联合制作的北京大学120周年校庆献礼节目)

2018 《吉米Jaime A. FlorCruz:我见证了中国改革的开端》(同上)

2018 《陈玹镁:来自韩国的中国当代艺术推动者》(同上)

2018 《大山:携笑声遍天下的文化使者》(同上)

2018 《欧阳凯:用镜头记录中国用探险保护环境》(同上)

2018 《柯修:中孟科技文化交流使者》(同上)

2018 《克俚福:我与中国的半生情缘》(同上)

2018 《赖贞瑝:构建中马文化教育交流的桥梁》(同上)

2018 《蓝斐历:热衷于发掘个人潜能的人生教练》(同上)

2020 “How’s Your 2020 Going So Far? A Dialogue with Tian Wei”(北京大学官微)

2020 《剧变的时代 青年的声音—“我的2020”北京大学青年论坛举行》(北大与世界官微)

2021 《百岁许渊冲》(北京大学官微)

2021 《许渊冲的诗意世界》(北京大学官微)

2021  《一起向未来》(央视频、BTV视频号、北京大学、香港、澳门多家媒体发布)

2022 《新传创意 一部手机,“玩”转北大!》(北京大学视频号)

2022 “Digital PKU at Your Hand!(北京大学英文官微)

2022 《走!北大学子带你打卡北京最美地铁站!》(北京大学官微)

2022 《北大学生带你做一天“胡同玩家”》(北京大学官微)

2022“Marco Polo in the New Era”(北京大学英文官微)






English Profile



Dr. Shu He, Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, PKU

Deputy director, Institute of Culture and Communication, PKU

Co-Founder and Sponsor of Sino-US Media Forum and Sino-Foreign Media Forum of Peking University

Visiting Scholar to Graduate School, City University of New York, USA (1996);  Ouachita University, Arkansas, USA(2001); University of California, Irvine, USA (2006); Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden (2010); University of Hawaii (Manoa), USA (2012).

Dr. He holds a BA of Literature in English Language and Literature from Peking University (PKU), and a double major degree of Law from School of International Studies on cross culture (PKU). She was awarded a PhD from School of International Studies (PKU) on her doctoral research on lobbying for higher education. Her research interests include comparative studies on eastern and western media, cross culture, lobby studies and public speaking. Dr. He has been an active role as judge and commentator for public speaking, debating, and speech competitions at home and abroad. She has also been active as visiting scholar, lecturer, recruiter, and program coordinator to many renowned universities in the world. In 2013, Dr. He, as co-founder and co-sponsor, launched the 1st Sino-US Media Forum at Peking University with scholars from University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) and journalists of English media in China and the United States. The forums are unique because both PKU and UHM take turns to be the host annually fostering discussions on current issues in media coverage and new technology applied in media among academics, journalists and community leaders.

In 2019, as co-founder and co-sponsor of Peking University International Media Forum, Dr. He hopes that this forum will provide a platform between international communication scholars and journalists, welcoming prominent experts and scholars in the fields of political sciences, economics and international relations. The purpose of establishing this forum is to build up strong cooperation and friendship with people working for English media in China and the World.

Dr. He is dedicated to cross-cultural research and international communication. She has rich practical experience in bilingual journalism in Chinese and English. As a consultant of the Overseas Communication Office of Peking University, Professor He contributes a lot to PKU’s overseas communication.

Areas of specialization

1. International Communication

2. International Journalism

3. Cross-cultural Studies

4. English public Speaking

5. Bilingual videos

Selected publications:


2002, MLA style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (Joseph Gibaldi,New York, 1998) by Peking University Press (Translators: Hong Shen; Shu He).

2008, Discovering Peking University: Heritage, Innovation and Impact by China Publishing Group Corporation and Beijing World Publishing Corporation (Chief editor).

2010, Essentials of Public Speaking (Cheryl Hamilton), by Peking University Press (Translator).

2010, 365 Ways to Change the World (Michael Norton), by Sanlian Bookstore and One Foundation (Proofreader).

Articles, Interviews and Programs

2006, Active American Lobbyists and the Poverty of Chinese Education, 21st Century Business Herald

2009, Enlightenment to Chinese Media from American Media’s Reports of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, (Shu He, Hongfei Li), Journal of Beijing administrative College. Vol.2. pp. 69-74

2009, Lobbying for Higher Education in the United States and Its Enlightenments, Higher Education Research & Evaluation. Vol.4. pp. 5-9. p.72

2010, Top Interview: Small College with Obvious Feature ----Interview with President P.T.Reid, Saint Joseph College, USA, Magazine "University" (Academic) Vol.2,pp.4-11.

2010, Top Interview: A Unique Urban University: For Promoting Social Justice ----Interview with President Charles Middleton of Roosevelt University, USA, Magazine "University" (Academic) Vol.3,pp.4-11.

2010, Top Interview: The Spirit and Temperament of a World-Class University ----Interview with President Richard Levin of Yale University, USA, Magazine "University" (Academic) Vol.6, pp.4-13.

2011, Top Interview: Keep Clear Orientation, Maintain High Quality Control ----Interview with President Peter Gudmundson of Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Magazine "University" (Academic) Vol.3, pp.4-11.

2016, Co-editor, guide book for bilingual reporters for Beijing Winter Olympic Games (Radio Beijing International)

2017, Bilingual SHOW TIME (for Radio Beijing International, producer)

2018, Executive producer: “I am Beida Ren”, a serial bilingual interview program of PKU distinguished international alumni for PKU 120th anniversary( with each episode of 20-mins).

2017-present: as a producer, planner or proofreader, instructing my students to produce and release nearly 100 bilingual video programs.


