The 5th “Medicine, Humanity and Media: Rethinking Global Health & Communication” International Conference (MHM 2022).
In recent years, public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic have deeply revamped the agenda of health communication research, compelling scholars to revisit the theories, methodologies, and practices of the field in a global context. Against this backdrop, we deem it particularly imperative to rethink some new queries, including why a global pandemic has instead exacerbated de-globalization; whether the Western-centered discourses and governance modes still have sufficient external validity in addressing current health issues; and what role do emerging communication technologies play in shaping global health communication.
The conventionally unidirectional pattern of diffusion of innovation appears increasingly incompetent in delineating the ways in which context-tailored health policies are developed and implemented. Instead, health management modes explored and formulated by developing countries or once marginalized regions based on their own forms of social organization and mobilization, cultural traditions, and belief systems, have accumulated ample practical experiences, awaiting more scholarly attention and theoretical construction.
MHM is an international conference series that aims to be a highly selective and premier international forum on health communication. Over the past four years, MHM has become a leading venue for health communication scholarship in China attracting international and domestic scholars. Peking University (PKU) and National University of Singapore (NUS) will host the 5th International Conference of Medicine, Humanity, and Media (MHM 2022).
The aim of MHM 2022 is to rethink health communication from a global perspective. The MHM 2022 invites theoretical and empirical works that conceptualize and theorize health communication, revisit theories and methodologies in health communication research within different cultural contexts, analyze discourses of health communication in different cultural settings, examine the role of emerging communication technologies in shaping the communication of health issues, tobacco control, and the localization, globalization, and glocalization of health communication.
MHM 2022 welcomes diverse research perspectives and welcomes (and is not limited to) studies on the following topics.
1. Glocalization of health communication case studies
2. Theories and methodologies of global health communication
3. Global health communication strategies (e.g., tobacco control)
4. Health information and persuasion (e.g., misinformation, message design)
5. Intercultural discourses of global health
6. Digital health communication (e.g., e-health, m-health, tele-health)
Interdisciplinary research at the intersections of communication, public health & global health, health diplomacy & global governance, history, philosophy and cultural studies. The use of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods is welcome. At the same time, the conference organizing committee encourages outstanding master and doctoral students at home and abroad to actively submit manuscripts, and the postgraduate authors of accepted manuscripts will have the opportunity to report their research in the postgraduate academic sub-forum of the conference.
Submission Guidelines
1. A long abstract in English: This long abstract should contain no less than 1,000 English words, and should include up to 5 keywords, the introductions of the theories, methodologies, and results of the study. This abstract should adhere to the APA 7th Edition.
2. An abstract in Chinese: The Chinese abstract should contain more than 500 Chinese words, including the title and up to 5 keywords. This abstract should also adhere to the APA 7th Edition.
3. A brief biography of the author(s): A 100-word author biography + picture of each author should be emailed to . The subject of the email should include the authors’ names, submission topic number, and the paper title (e.g., “Zhang San-4-Study on the Impact of Interpersonal Transmission on COVID-19 Vaccination”), such that it can be directed to relevant reviewers. Before October 7 (Beijing time), the organizer will release the shortlist and send invitations to the selected candidates.
4. Registration of submission information: For the convenience of follow-up contact, please fill in the following questionnaire. (Because of the need to upload attachments, it is recommended to use PC open the link or scan qr code:

5. Submission deadline: The two abstracts and the author’s biography should be emailed to by September 30, 2022 (Beijing Time). The conference organizers will release the shortlist within one week and send invitations to the selected candidates.
6. Selected manuscripts must be submitted in full (unpublished) before October 27, 2022 (Beijing time) (5000-8000 words preferred, all inclusive. National, provincial, and important fund projects should clearly indicate the project name and number. If the manuscript is signed by a research group, the names and working units of its main members must be indicated) to . The email title should include the author’s name, the submission topic number, and the title of the paper.
Abstracts submission deadline: September 30, 2022
Full manuscript submission deadline: October 27, 2022