1) 集中授课(英文,有辅助性翻译):每位受邀请的教授届时将讲授其研究领域的核心内容及最新研究成果。2015年的外籍授课老师和主题包括:
Prof. Giuseppe Richeri, European Media Market & Public Broadcasting Service in Europe; Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland;
Prof. Emili Prado, The European Audio-visual Media Industry, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain;
Prof. Pierre Musso, Modelling of imagination, innovation and creation, Télécom ParisTech/ université de Rennes II, France;
Prof. Stefano Iacus, Sentiment Analysis in Communication Studies, University of Milan, Italy;
Prof. Gabriele Balbi, Introduction to European Media History, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland;
Dr. Guido Keel, Current State and Future Development of Journalism in the Western World, Zurich University of Applied Science, Switzerland;
Dr. Sharif Mowlabocus, Smartphone Use and the Connection to Neoliberalism and Late Capitalism: A Psychodynamic Approach, University of Sussex, U.K.
2) 青年论坛(根据情况设中英文专场):每位参加暑期班的学员都有充分时间(20-30分钟) 报告个人研究选题,并得到至少一位教授和一位学员事先准备的点评和论文指导意见。根据个人报告情况,暑期班将设两名最优秀学员奖,获奖者将可能获得200欧元的奖学金及欧洲传播研究与教育协会(ECREA)2016暑期班推荐名额及瑞士国家政府Swiss Excellence访问学者奖学金计划的推荐。
暑期班不收取被录取的中国大陆学员费用,学员交通和食宿费用自理。非录取大陆学员可申请旁听参与暑期班,须缴纳相关餐饮及活动费用(500元左右)。中国大陆以外学生的费用请参见英文版通知:http://www.chinamediaobs.org/europe-china-dialogue-media-and-communication-studies-summer-school-2015 。
申请者必须在2015年5月1日之前向暑期班组办方提供一份关于个人研究课题(可为学位论文,学术文章,或未来研究计划)的中英文摘要(300-500字以内)和简短的个人介绍(200字以内)。5月10日之前主办方将公布入选人名单并通知入选者本人。入选者必须在6月15日之前向主办方提交一份关于其研究课题的详细报告(3000-5000 字,中英文皆可),否则将取消录取资格。所有申请(中/英文)请发送至chinamediaobservatory@gmail.com。
中方联系人:北京大学新闻与传播学院 许静 xujing@pku.edu.cn
Europe-China Dialogue: Media and Communication Studies Summer School 2015
Beijing, China (July.1st-10th 2015)
After the successful experience of last summer, the China Media Observatory at the Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in cooperation with School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University will operate the SECOND edition of the EurOjp^-China Dialogue: Me^ia and Communication Studies Summer School in Beijing between July 1st and July 10th, 2015.
The program is open to the full variety of academic work in the field of communication and media studies for young scholars, PhD and graduate students who have strong academic interests,
especially for those with a background in international communication, intercultural communication, Chinese/European media and culture/language studies. The Summer School aims to bring together researchers from Europe and China to debate contemporary issues in media, communication and cultural studies in Chinese and European media industry.
Inspired from the ECREA Doctoral Summer School, this summer school aims to provide: a highly qualified international setting where academics from several European countries and China will present and discuss their most recent research; and a highly supportive international setting where scholars can present their current work, receive feedback on their research projects from international experts and meet scholars and academics from other countries, establishing valuable contacts for the future.
The learning format of the Summer School is divide into three parts:
1. Lectures: each of the invited professors will have 1-2 lectures related to their research necessities. Proposed lecturers and topics will include:
European Faculty
Prof. Giuseppe Richeri, European Media Market & Public Broadcasting Service in Europe; Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland;
Prof. Emili Prado, The European Audio-visual Media Industry, Universitat Autdnoma de Barcelona, Spain;
Prof. Pierre Musso, Modelling of imagination, inno^vation creation, Telecom ParisTech/
universite de Rennes II, France;
Prof. Stefano Iacus, Sentiment Analysis in Communication Studies, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy;
Prof. Gabriele Balbi, Introduction to European Media History, Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland;
Dr. Guido Kee\, The Current State and Future Development of Journalism In the Western World, Zurich University of Applied Science, Switzerland;
Br. Sharif Mow\ahocus, Mastery of the Swipe: Smartphones And Precarity In A Culture of Narcissism, University of Sussex, U.K.
Chinese Faculty
Prof. Lu Shaoyang, The F^ilim Policies a^Prof. Wu Jing, Critical Approach to Media Culture Studies, PekingUniversity;
Prof. Xu Jing, Media and Public Opinion in China, Peking University;
Prof. Wang Xiuli, “Made in China” national image, Peking University;
Prof. Jin Jianbin, Social Media Literacy in the Case of China, Tsinghua University;
Prof. Guo Zhenzhi, Chinese Media: History and Current Development, Tsinghua University; Prof. Shi Anbin, China's Charm Campaign: Opportunities and Challenges, Tsinghua University;
Yrof. Jiang Vei, The Chinese Version of “Soft Power” from the Intercultural Perspective, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
2. Student Feedback Workshops: participating students will present their research projects and receive structured, qualified and multi-voiced feedback on their work from Summer School lecturers and scholars, allowing students to structurally improve the quality of their academic work and stimulate their further research interests;
3. Media Dialogue: two dialogues with media experts from European and Chinese media organizations will be set in the Summer School. In some cases, when possible, the Dialogue will be arranged on site at the media organization, where students can personally observe the media practice. Speakers from Austrian Press Council (Vienna) and China Radio International (Beijing) will be invited to the 2015 Summer School.
We enrolled 30 students in 2014, including young scholars, PhD and graduate students from China, U.K., Sweden, Canada, Italy, and Singapore. Moreover, we plan to enrol the same number of students in 2015. Ideally, the composition of selected students will be 15 from European institutions and 15 from Chinese institutions.
To apply:
All participants are required to send an abstract (about 500 words) of their research projects before May 1st, 2015 to chinamediaobservatory@gmail.com. The confirmation will be sent by May 10th, and the full draft of research projects should be sent before June 15th, 2015.
Admission fee and payment:
550 euros per student including accommodation for 10 days nearby the Campus, all lunches and two dinners (welcome and farewell) and the city visiting tour. 350 euros per student for those who do not require accommodation.
Scholarship award of 200 euros will be given to the two best student participants, and they will get the chance to be recommended to the ECREA Summer School 2016 as well as the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships Programme.
China Media Observatory at USI Lugano: China Media Observatory aims at the systematic monitoring of the evolution of the system of media and communications in China according to the main economic, political as well as social and cultural dimensions. In function of the activities it carries out, the Observatory encourages the exchanges for teaching and research purposes and establishes collaboration agreements with European universities, which have started permanent research activity on media in China, as well as with Chinese universities, that are interested in collaborating and exchanges with our university in the scientific and teaching field. Link: http://www.chinamediaobs.org/
School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University: Peking University is a pioneer in modern Journalistic education in China. In 1918, Peking University started the first Journalistic course and founded the Journalism Research Institute that was the first of its kind in China. In 1952, Peking University opened the first Journalism Studies program since the founding of the People's Republic of China and the new School of Journalism and Communication was established in 2001. Founded in 1898, Peking University was the first national comprehensive university in China and became a centre for progressive thought in China across time. Mao Zedong, Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi and many other leaders of China all gained professional experience here. In 2014, The Chinese University Alumni Association and China Education Center considered it as No.1 among national universities. Internationally, both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the World Reputation Rankings recently placed Peking University at 45th position worldwide. Link: http://sjc.pku.edu.cn/English.aspx
Institutional Contributors:
UK-China Media and Cultural Studies Association (UCMeCSA), United Kingdom.
Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy.
Department of Applied Linguistics, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland.
China Intercultural Communication Research & Training Program, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
BlueFuture PR Consulting, China
ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO: chinamediaobservatory@gmail.com
Programme Contacts
Coordinator in Europe: Zhan ZHANG, zhan.zhang@usi.ch
Coordinator in China: Prof. Jing XU, xuj ing@pku.edu.cn