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单位名称: PHD 单位隶属部门:北京恒美广告有限公司 单位性质:外资企业 单位行业:大众传媒/广告 单位地址: 北京市朝阳区建国路81号华贸中心1号写字楼1401 Email: China.job@phdnetwork.com Website: www.phdnetwork.com Group company website: www.omnicomgroup.com 招聘信息内容: Company Introduction Formed in 1990, PHD is a media and communications agency with over 59 offices and 2000 staff globally. PHD is a media business that has been built on a culture of thought leadership, creativity and innovation. At our core is a strong belief that great media ideas matter. In our hearts is a commitment to lead the industry with thought provoking opinion and pioneering thinking. Pioneering is our guiding principle and at its heart is about people wanting to find a better way. People who recognize that the same old paths create the same kind of results. People who instinctively want to go the extra mile to seek out improvements. In today's highly competitive world, the time is right for a pioneering partner like PHD. We are part of Omnicom Media Group. PHD China We believe that the world is changing and will keep changing faster than ever before. We believe that successful brands will thrive by staying ahead of the curve. We believe that successful agencies will thrive by employing brilliantly clever, curious people and putting them in a fun, stimulating environment. PHD is looking for: People to join the world's fastest growing media agency network, PHD. People who have the courage to challenge convention People who are smart, ambitious and willing to take responsibility People who want to work in a creative, innovative and rewarding environment People who have interests and opinions and like to share them People who want opportunity to contribute and progress Please send your application along with a cover letter introducing yourself and telling us what you are passionate about and why. Please send to China.job@phdnetwork.com by subject “university, major and your name”.

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