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讲座日期:2010年3月16日(周二) 讲座时间:9:00-11:00 讲座地点:新闻与传播学院113教室 讲座题目:Effects of Avatars on Children’s Emotion and Motivation in Learning Recent findings in virtual learning environments suggest that one important factor contributing to positive learners’ experiences is affect. The paper describes a pilot study applying the well-referenced OCC cognitive theory of emotions to investigate learners’ emotions while using a learning package designed for young children (6-8 years old). Specifically, the study aims to examine whether the emotional expressions of avatars have an influence on these young children’s emotional responses but no significant observation on improved motivation towards learning. Initial findings with five young children participants showed that they loved avatars and were influenced by avatars’ emotional expressions to their performances. The participants also expressed feelings of satisfaction and fun in their learning interactions with the selected avatar. There was a gender-biased towards the gender of the participants. The paper concludes that avatars implemented with appropriate underlying pedagogical considerations and purposes can be beneficial to learners in virtual learning environments, especially young children. 邓燕玲教授简历: Dr. Theng joined NTU in 2001. Between 1998-2001, she worked at Middlesex University (London) as a Senior Lecturer where she taught Human-Computer Interaction and Educational Multimedia. Her research interests in human-computer interaction and digital libraries led to the award of two research grants from the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council in the United Kingdom, and an AcRF grant from NTU in 2003. She is also a co-investigator and a collaborator on a couple of collaborative research projects on geospatial digital libraries and reusable learning objects. 讲座会后还将介绍新加坡南洋理工学院黄金辉传播与信息学院的交流项目,欢迎各位老师和同学出席!
