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题目:Framing Issues in the Global News Arena 主讲人:Stephen•D•Reese教授,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校新闻学院副院长 时间:5月16日18:40—21:30 地点:北京大学二教106 Stephen•D•Reese 教授简介 教育经历 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校大众传播学博士,1982年 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校新闻学硕士,1980年 美国田纳西大学传播学学士,1976年 工作经历 2005年至今,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校传播学院 副院长 教授 1993年-2005年,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校传播学院新闻系 教授 1988年-1993年,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 副教授 1982年-1988年,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 助理教授 主要研究领域 新闻学理论 大众传播理论 媒介效果研究 近期著作 (1)Stephen Reese, Oscar Gandy. and August Grant (editors). framing Public Life:Perspectives on Media and our understanding of the Social World. (Mahwah.NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001) (2)Pamela Shoemaker and Stephen Reese, Mediating the Message: Theories of Influence on Mass media Content(New York: Longman, 1991). (2nd edition. 1996). (3)Stephen Reese and Jia Dai,"Citizen journalism in the global news arena: China's new media critics ." in S. Allan and E. Thorsen (eds.) Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives (New York: Peter Lang, 2009). (4) Stephen Reese, "Finding frames in a web of culture: The case of the War on Terror," in P. D Angelo and J,Kuyper (eds.)Doing News Framing Analysis: Empirical, Theoretical, and Normative Perspecitives(New York: Routledge, 2009). (5) Stephen Reese, “Media Production and Content,” major overview of subfield as area editor for International Encyclopedia of Communication. W. Donsbach (ed.) Project of the International Communication Association to map the field of communication. (London: Blackwell.2008). (6) Pamela Shoemaker. Timothy Vos and Stephen Reese. "Journalists as gatekeepers," in K. Wahl-Jorgensen and T. Hanitzsch (eds.) Handbook of Journalism Studies, International Communication Association Handbook Series (London: Routledge/lawrence Erlbaum, 2008). (7) Stephen Reese, “Theorizing a Globalized Journalism” in M. Loeffelholz & D. Weaver(eds.) Global journalism research: Theories, methods findings, future, PP 240-252. (London: Blackwell, 2008). 近期发表文章 (1)Stephen Reese and Seth Lewis, “Framing the War on Terror The internalization of policy in the U.S. press? ,” Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism (in press). (2)Stephen Reese, Lou Rutigliano, Kideuk Hyun and Jaekwan Jeong, “mapping the blogosphere: Citizen-based media in the global news arena,” Journalism : Theory, Practivce, Criticism,8(3) , PP.235-262 (2007). (3)Stephen Reese, "The framing project: A bridging model for media research revisited," Invited forum commentary for special issue of Journal of Communication on Framing. Agenda-setting. and priming, 57(l) pp. 148- 154 (2007). (4) Stephen Reese and Jane Ballinger, "Roots of a sociology of news: Remembering Mr. Gates and social control in the newsroom," Journalism &Mass Communication Quarterly,78(4), pp. 641-658 (2001). (5) Stephen Reese, “Understanding the Global Journalist: A Hierarchy of Influences Approach." Journalism Studies, 2(2), pp. 173-137 (2001) (6) Stephen Reese and Jeremy Cohen, "Educating for Journalism: The Professionalism of Scholarship," Journalism Studies 1 (2): 213-2I7 (2000).
