The Political Economy of Communication
This seminar explores the relationship between capitalism as a historically constituted social formation and the realm of communication and culture, focusing on the ways in which political economic power relations set limits and exert pressures on evolving communication and cultural institutions, processes, and practices on the one hand, and the role of communication and culture in sustaining and challenging capitalistic social relations on the other. The course is both historical and global in its orientation and it addresses theoretical, methodological, as well as substantive issues.
We begin by exploring the socio-historical and intellectual foundations for the development of the political economy perspective in communication and cultural studies. We then employ the political economy perspective to analyze the organization of communication systems and culture industries in the global context and examine current transformations in these industries. Special emphasis is placed on the processes of commodification, the role of the nation state in the formation of communication policies and regulatory regimes, and the new dynamics of control and resistance in a rapidly transforming global communication and cultural environment.
Course Texts in Chinese:
Vincent Mosco, The Political Economy of Communication 《传播政治经济学》
Dan Schiller, Digital Capitalism 《数字资本主义》
Robert McChesney, Rich Media, Poor Democracy 《富媒介,穷民主》
Robert A. Hackett and Yuezhi Zhao, Sustaining Democracy? 《维系民主》
Herbert I. Schiller, Mass Communication and American Empire 《大众传播与美利坚帝国》
Todd Gitlin, The Whole World Is Watching 《新左派运动的媒介镜像》
James Curran, Media and Power 《媒体与权力》
Additional readings are listed in the seminar schedule below. A number of documentaries and educational videos will be screened in class to stimulate discussions.
Seminar Topics and Reading Schedule
November 1: Introduction
November 6: Social Historical Origins of the Political Economy Approach to Communication Studies
Vincent Mosco, The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal, “Introduction” and Part I. 《传播政治经济学》前言与第一部分。
Dan Schiller, “The Legacy of Robert A. Brady: Antifascist Origins of the Political Economy of Communications,” The Journal of Media Economics 12:2 (1999), pp. 89-101.
赵月枝、邢国欣, “传播政治经济学”,刘曙明、洪峻浩 (编),《传播学》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2007), pp. 511-538.
November 8: Theoretical Foundations: Social Theories and Models of Democratic Communication
Vincent Mosco, The Political Economy of Communication, Part II,《传播政治经济学》第二部分。
James Curran, Media and Power, various relevant chapters,《媒体与权力》相关章节。
Peter Golding and Graham Murdoch, “Theories of Communication and Theories of Society”, Communication Research 5:3 (1978): pp. 339-356 (“传播理论与社会理论”,李郁青译)。
Peter Golding and Graham Murdock, “Culture, Communications and Political Economy,” in James Curran and Michael Gurevitch (eds.), Mass Media and Society 3rd ed. (London: Arnold, 2000), pp. 70-92.
赵月枝,“从全球视野审视中国传播与权力的关系: 国家、市场和社会 -- 兼论中国传播研究的理论框架”,《传播与社会学刊》2 (2007), pp. 23-50。
November 13: Methodological Considerations (in-class screen: George Gerbner on Media and Culture: The Electronic Storyteller)
C. Wright Mills, “Abstracted Empiricism,” in C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 50-75.
Stuart Hall, “The Rediscovery of ‘Ideology’: Return of the Repressed in Media Studies,” in Michael Gurevitch, Tony Bennett, James Curran, and Janet Woollacott (eds.), Culture, Society and the Media (London: Methuen, 1982), pp. 56 – 90.
Dallas Smythe, “Communications: Blindspot on Western Marxism,” Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 3:1 (1977), 1-27 (“传播:西方马克思主义的盲点”,冯建三译,《岛屿边缘》1992年6月,第四期,pp. 6-33)。
November 15: Advertising, Consumer Culture, and the Rise of “Digital Capitalism” (in-class screening: Advertising and the End of World)
Sut Jhally, “Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse,” in Robin Andersen and Lance Strate (eds.), Critical Studies in Media Commercialism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 27-39.
Dan Schiller, Digital Capitalism,《数字资本主义》。
November 20: Shifting Strategies of Control, Changing Modes of Accumulation: Media Commercialization and Its Social Implications (in-class screening: No Logo)
James Curran, “Capitalism and Control of the Press,” Chinese translation in 《媒体与权力》。
C. Edwin Baker, “Advertising and the Content of a Democratic Press,” in C. Edwin Baker, Advertising and a Democratic Press (Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1994), pp. 44-70.
Robert McChesney, Rich Media, Poor Democracy《富媒介,穷民主》。
November 22: Corporate Domination and the Regulation of Communication Industries under Neoliberal Governance: From News Content to Intellectual Property Rights (in-class screening: The Corporation)
Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, “A Propaganda Model,” in Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (New York: Pantheon, 1988), pp. 1-35.
“Global Implications of Media Industry Consolidation,” Report of the Peabody Seminars 2004-2005, The Peabody Center for Media and Society, University of Georgia, Athens, 2006.
Ronald V. Bettig, “Copyright and the Commodification of Culture”, Media Development 2003:1.
Andrew Calabrese, “Stealth Regulation: Moral Meltdown and Political Radicalism at the Federal Communications Commission,” New Media & Society 6:1 (2004): 106-113.
Des Freedman, “Dynamics of Power in Contemporary Media Policy-Making,” Media, Culture & Society 28:6 (2006): pp. 907-923.
November 27: Communication, Labour, and the Possibilities and Limits of Media Professionalism: Canadian and American Experiences
David F. Noble, “Prologue: The Gods and the Mortals,” in Gerald Sussman and John A. Lent (eds.), Global Productions: Labour in the Making of the “Information Society” (Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 1998), ix-xi.
Gerald Sussman and John A. Lent, “Global Productions,” in Gerald Sussman and John A. Lent (eds.), Global Productions: Labour in the Making of the “Information Society” (Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 1998), pp. 1-11.
Todd Gitlin, The Whole World Is Watching. 《新左派运动的媒介镜像》。
Robert A. Hackett and Yuezhi Zhao, Sustaining Democracy? 《维系民主》。
Daniel C. Hallin, “Commercialism and Professionalism in the American News Media,” in James Curran and Michael Gurevitch (eds.), Mass Media and Society, 3rd ed. (London: Arnold, 2000), pp. 218-237.
November 29: The Evolving Political Economy of Global Communication: From CNN to Al Jazeera, from American Domination to “China’s Rise”? (in-class documentary screening: Control Room)
Herbert I. Schiller, Mass Communication and American Empire. 《大众传播与美利坚帝国》。
Herbert I. Schiller, “Not Yet and Post-Imperialist Era,” Critical Studies in Mass Communication 8 (1991), pp. 13-28.
Dan Schiller, “Poles of Market Growth? Open Questions about China, Information and the World Economy,” Global Media and Communication 1:1 (April 2005), pp. 79-103.
December 4: Conclusion: New Directions in the Political Economy of Communication
Graham Murdoch, “Reconstructing the Ruined Tower: Contemporary Communications and the Question of Class,” in James Curran and Michael Gurevitch (eds.), Mass Media and Society, 3rd ed. (London: Arnold, 2000), pp. 7-26.
Robin Mansell, “Political Economy, Power and New Media,” New Media & Society 6:1 (2004), pp. 96-105.
Bob Hanke, “For a Political Economy of Indymedia Practice,” Canadian Journal of Communication 30:1 (2005), pp. 41-64.
赵月枝,“文化产业、市场逻辑和文化多样性:可持续发展的公共文化传播理论与实践”,(上、下篇),《新闻大学》,2006冬季号,pp. 1-7/2007春季号, pp.56-62。