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下载:会议回执[2012年北京大学新闻传播伦理与法制国际学术研讨会] Download:Acknowledgement of Receipt
2012年北京大学新闻传播伦理与法制国际学术研讨会 第1号通知
为推动新闻传播学的理论和学科建设,推动国家文化特别是媒体文化建设,增进传播学、新闻学、语言学、修辞学、伦理学等诸多相邻学科学者之间的对话,加强国际学术交流与合作,北京大学新闻与传播学院与世界汉语修辞学会拟于2012年5月在北京大学举办新闻传播伦理与法制国际学术研讨会。论文征集等事项如下: 一、会议名称:2012年北京大学新闻传播伦理与法制国际学术研讨会。 二、会议主办单位:北京大学新闻与传播学院、世界汉语修辞学会。 三、会议预计日期:2012年5月25日-27日(25日报到,26日学术研讨,27日离会)。 四、会议主题:“全球化语境下的国家传播秩序建构与新国家文化建设:伦理与法制视阈”,分主题包括: (1)国家传播秩序、国际传播秩序建构的传播伦理与法制视角; (2)新国家文化建构与网络传播伦理建设; (3)国家媒体的道德使命; (4)网络文化建设:现状、问题与对策; (5)传者伦理与受众伦理研究; (6)语言传播伦理与视觉传播伦理研究; (7)新闻伦理的现状、问题与对策; (8)新媒体伦理与法制研究; (9)修辞伦理研究; (10)广告、文艺、科学等的传播伦理; (11)传媒伦理与社会道德、国民道德建设; (12)新闻与传播法研究; (13)传播伦理学的理论建设; (14)普遍传播伦理; (15)新闻、传播伦理与法制研究的其他相关方面。 五、会议形式:大会报告、专题研讨、小组研讨;会议语言:汉语、英语等。 六、会议论文摘要、全文提交时间:论文摘要(300字左右)提交截止日期:2012年3月10日;论文全文提交截止日期:2012年4月30日。请欲参会的学者将上述文件于截止日期前通过电子邮件发送至。邮件题目请注明“国际新闻传播伦理与法制学术研讨会”。论文摘要接受通知发出日期:2012年3月15日前。因会议名额有限,请您在提交与会申请时,确认届时一定能与会。会议不接受已发表的论文。会后,拟遴选出优秀论文编辑出版,如投稿他处,请提前说明。 七、费用:与会代表会务费:400元人民币/每人,会议统一安排饮食,提供住宿预订信息。与会代表的会务费、住宿费、往返差旅费等回单位报销。会议不安排接送站。 八、其他相关事项:会议其他事项,将在正式通知中告知。请关注网页:。 联系人:胡馨木 (Mobilephone: +86 15201475579 E-mail:     马 珺 (Mobilephone: +86 15201475057 竭诚欢迎新闻学、传播学、语言学、修辞学、文学、伦理学、法学及相邻学科领域的学者惠赐大作,积极与会。

北京大学新闻与传播学院 世界汉语修辞学会 卡耐基委员会全球伦理联盟 2012年2月18日

International Conference on Ethics and Laws of Communication & Journalism Peking University, Beijing, China, May 25-27, 2012
Dec. 26th, 2011 “International Conference on Ethics and Laws of Communication & Journalism” will be held at Peking University in Beijing, China from May 25th to 27th, 2012. The conference aims to promote the studies on international ethics and laws of communication & journalism at the time of global-cultural amalgamation and conflict, especially to enhance the studies on communication ethics and laws and the building of national order in internet communication in China, and to promote the construction and development of national culture of China. The following are some important details about the conference: 1. Name: International Conference on Ethics and Laws of Communication & Journalism 2. Sponsors: The Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World and School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University 3. Official Languages: Chinese and English 4. Time and Brief Program: May 25th to 27th, 2012(May 25th Registration 10:00-15:30; 16:00-18:00, plenary address; 26th Conference Sessions, 27th Departure) 5. The Main Theme and Sub-Themes: The main theme is “National Communicative Order Building and New National Culture Construction in the Global Context: Approaches of Ethics and Laws”. Sub-Themes are as the following: (1)Order building for national and international communication with approaches of communication ethics and laws; (2)New national culture construction and communication ethics building on the internet; (3)Ethical missions for national media; (4)National culture construction in internet communication: status quo, problems and strategies; (5)Studies on communicator ethics and audience ethics; (6)Ethics for language communication and visual communication, discourse ethics; (7)Journalism ethics: status quo, problems and strategies; (8)New media ethics and laws; (9)Rhetorical ethics; (10)Ethics of Advertisement, literature and science communication; (11)Studies on relationships between media ethics, social ethics and public ethics; (12)Studies on laws of communication and journalism; (13)Studies on theory-building of communication ethics; (14)universal ethics or global ethics of communication; (15)Other aspects for studies on communication ethics and laws. 6. Deadlines for Submitting Proposals, Panel Proposals, Full-Text Papers and Relevant Notices: Proposals should be submitted for a 20-minute presentation delivered in Chinese (300 characters maximum) or English (350 words maximum). The deadline for submitting proposals is March 10, 2012. The deadline for submitting full-text papers is April 30, 2012. Please send the proposals and full-text papers to by the deadlines. Acceptance of proposals will be sent before March 15, 2012. CRSW will select excellent papers to be compiled in the journal of the Society for publication after the conference. Please do not submit your paper to other journals if you want it to be considered for publication by CRSW. If you plan to publish your paper elsewhere, please keep us informed in advance. 7. Other information: The conference registration fee is 80 US dollars / 60 Euro. Graduate students and scholars from certain areas or countries may be eligible for reduced registration fees. The conference will help to arrange for board and lodging for participants. Conference room, round-trip tickets fee, and etc. will be paid by participants themselves or be reimbursed by participants’ institutions. Other important details about the conference will be provided in the next notice. 8. Contact Us: Contact the Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World: Hu Xinmu (Mobilephone: +86 15201475579 E-mail: Ma Jun (Mobilephone: +86 15201475057 We look forward to seeing you at Peking University!

The Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World School of Journalism & Communication, Peking University The Carnegie Council Global Ethics Network
