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EU-CHINA Dialogue in Media and Communication Studies Summer School 2014 (31.03.2014)
Link:EU-CHINA Dialogue in Media and Communication Studies Summer School 2014 (31.03.2014) The China Media Observatory of Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI, the School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University and the European University Center at Peking University will operate the EU-CHINA Dialogue in Media and Communication Studies Summer School in Beijing, from 1-10, July 2014. This program is open to anyone involved in the studies of communication and media regardless of their field of competence. Young scholars, PhDs and master students with strong academic interests are welcome, especially those students with a background in international communication studies, intercultural communication, Chinese/European media studies, and culture/language studies. The aim is to bring together researchers and students from Europe and China in order to debate contemporary issues in media, communication and cultural studies in the framework of Chinese and European media industry. Aims of the summer school are to provide: 1. A qualified international setting where professors from Switzerland, Italy, other European countries, U.S. and mainland China will present and discuss their updated research work. 2. A supportive international setting where participants (young scholars and students) can present their ongoing work, thus receive feedback on their current or future research projects from international experts, and meet academics from other countries, establishing valuable contacts for the future. The learning format of the summer school is divided mainly into 3 parts: 1. Lectures: each of the invited professors will hold 1-3 lessons according to their research necessities. The faculty will be mainly from Università della Svizzera Italiana, Peking University, University of Zurich, Milan University and other partner Universities of the European University Center at Peking University. Some external professors are also invited: University of Illinios at Chicago, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, etc. 2. Participants Feedback Workshops: in order to structurally improve the quality of their academic work and stimulate their further research interests, participant scholars, and students will submit their research projects and receive structured, qualified and multi-voiced feedback from the summer school’s lecturers and students. 3. Media Encounters: Two encounters with media experts from different Chinese or international media organization who are based in China will be organized during the Summer School. In some cases, if possible, the encounters will be arranged at the working place of those media organization where participants can personally observe the media practice. To apply, participants need to send an abstract of their research projects (degree dissertation, academic paper or future research plan) and 3 questions they would like to be answered, about China and Europe in media and communication studies, to the Summer School Coordinator before 30 April. The selected participants will be announced before May.15, and they will need to prepare a 10-page full description of their research projects no later than June 20. Payment of a registration fee of 550 Euros is required for those selected participants. It will include 10-days accommodation near the campus, 10-days lunch on campus, 2 social-networking dinner and 1-day city tour. For Chinese participants who do not need accommodation arrangement, the registration fee can be reduced. Grants will be provided to the 2 best students proposal/presentation, and the winners will receive a refund of 200 euros each. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 30 (half from Europe and half from China), for a better chance to be chosen, we urge you to send your application as soon as possible. Deadline for the first application is 30 April, 2014. All the proposals need to be sent to: About Peking University Peking University is a major Chinese research university located in Beijing. Founded in 1898, Peking University was the first national comprehensive university in China and became a center for progressive thought in China by 1910s. Mao Zedong, Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi and many other leaders of China all gained professional experience here. In 2014, The Chinese University Alumni Association and China Education Center considered it as No.1 among national universities. Internationally, both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the World Reputation Rankings recently placed Peking University at 45th in the world. More info: About the European Center at Peking University, About the China Media Observatory of Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI):
