An international seminar titled “New Media, the Internet and a Changing China” co-sponsored by School of Journalism & Communication, Peking University and Center for Contemporary China, University of Pennsylvania will be held at 9:00 to 17:10 on June 17th, 2014 in the Lecture Hall, Leo KoGuan Building, Peking University.
This one-day international seminar addresses the dynamic and evolving relationships among China's new media, civil society, public opinion, commerce, international relations and legal system. Leading scholars, journalists, and bloggers will engage in an open discussion on the impact of new media on contemporary Chinese society. No registration required, open to all. Simultaneous interpretation service in Chinese and English is provided.
Opening 开幕
Zengzhi SHI, Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University
师曾志 北京大学新闻与传播学院 教授
Avery GOLDSTEIN, Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
金骏远 宾夕法尼亚大学政治科学系 讲席教授
Panel 1:New Media and Civil Society/新媒体与公民社会
Moderator: Guobin YANG
Associate Professor of Communication and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
主持人:杨国斌 宾夕法尼亚大学传播学院 副教授
Min JIANG, Associate Professor of Communication, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
蒋敏 北卡罗来纳大学传播学院 副教授
Zengzhi SHI, Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University
师曾志 北京大学新闻与传播学院 教授
Yong HU, Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University
胡泳 北京大学新闻与传播学院 教授
Jeremy GOLDKORN, Founding Director of Danwei, a research service of the Financial Times
金玉米 金融时报单位咨询 董事 总经理
Yongchao DUAN, CSO, SEEC Media Group Limited
段永朝 财讯传媒集团(SEEC)首席战略官
Free Discussion Q&A/自由讨论与观众提问
Panel 2:New Media and China’s Legal System/新媒体与中国的法制
Moderator: Jacques DELISLE
Professor of Law School, University of Pennsylvania
主持人:戴杰 宾夕法尼亚大学法学院 讲席教授
Anne CHEUNG, Professor of Law School, University of Hong Kong
张善喻 香港大学法律系 教授
Xixin WANG, Professor of Law School, Peking University
王锡锌 北京大学法学院 教授
Ming LEI, Deputy Director, Policy and Regulations Division, Internet Information Office of Beijing
雷鸣 北京市互联网信息办公室政策法规处 副处长
Xun XU, Executive Director, Institute for Communications Law Studies, China University of Political Science and Law
徐迅 中国政法大学传播法研究中心 执行主任
Sixin WANG, Professor of Politics and Law School, Communication University of China
王四新 中国传媒大学政治与法律学院 教授
Free Discussion Q&A/自由讨论与观众提问
Panels 3: New Media, Public Opinion, and China’s International Relations/新媒体、公众舆论与中国的国际关系
Moderator: Avery GOLDSTEIN
Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
主持人:金骏远 宾夕法尼亚大学政治科学系 讲席教授
Chuanjie ZHANG, Associate Professor of International Relations, Tsinghua University
张传杰 清华大学国际关系学 副教授
Dalei JIE, Assistant Professor of International Politics, Peking University
节大磊 北京大学国际政治学 讲师
Dong WANG, Associate Professor of International Relations, Peking University
王栋 北京大学国际关系学 副教授
Tianpan ZHANG, Commentator, Southern Metropolitan Daily
张天潘 南方都市报 评论员
Peifeng LIU, Professor of Law School, Beijing Normal University
刘培峰 北京师范大学法学院 教授
Free Discussion Q&A/自由讨论与观众提问
Panels 4: New Media — the View from Inside the Industry/新媒体—来自业界的视角
Moderator: Junxiu WANG
Director, Information Society Institute, China Information Economics Society
主持人:王俊秀 中国信息经济学会信息社会研究所 所长
Luping YUE, Artist and Art Curator
岳路平 艺术策展人
Xuefeng HE, Deputy Director, Commentary Department, Southern Metropolitan Daily
何雪峰 南方都市报评论部 副主任
Jingping JIN, Associate Professor of Law School, Peking University
金锦萍 北京大学法学院 副教授
Chunxiao LIANG, Vice-Director General, Alibaba Group
梁春晓 阿里巴巴集团 副总裁
Free Discussion Q&A/自由讨论与观众提问
Closing Remarks闭幕辞
Shaoyang LU, Professor, Dean, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University
陆绍阳 教授 北京大学新闻与传播学院 院长