【Prof. Kui Zhou(周逵)】

周逵,清华大学-麻省理工学院联合培养博士,中国传媒大学副教授,香港城市大学访问学者。主持多项国家级和省部级网络视听研究项目。中央人民广播电台中国之声新闻评论员。译著《群体性孤独》(Alone Together)获得2014年度文津图书奖,专著《融合与重构:中国广电媒体发展新道路》,编著《非虚构:时代记录者与叙事精神》。担任《传媒蓝皮书:中国传媒产业发展报告)副主编。在国际国内SSCI\AHCI\CSSCI学术刊物发表论文数十篇。曾担任凤凰卫视纪录片栏目《冷暖人生》、《凤凰大视野》策划、记者与撰稿。其个人学术多采用质化方法,研究主题多集中于新媒体与社会变迁,政治传播,游戏研究等。近期学术发表包括:《竞争性的图像行动主义:中国网络民族主义的一种视觉传播视角》、《沉浸式传播中的身体经验:以虚拟现实游戏的玩家研究为例》等。(izhoukui@hotmail.com)

Zhou Kui, Associate Professor, CUC,He received his joint Ph. D degree Tsinghua University of China and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was an invited visiting Professor at City University of Hong Kong. His is also a regular news commentator for China Central Television and Voice of China. He worked with Hong Kong based Phoenix Satellite TV as a documentary journalist , where he won the Silver Hugo Award of 2009 Chicago International Film Festival for his documentary of Sichuan earthquake of 2008. Recent publications include: Contested Visual Activism: A Visual Communications Perspective of Cyber Nationalism in China,Bodily Experience in Immersive Communication:A Case Study of Virtual Reality Game Players etc. Influenced by his journalistic career, his academic research mainly focuses on new media and social change, political communication and game studies via qualitative research methods.


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