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时间:11月3日 15:10-18:00 地点:理教318 演讲者: 瑞士卢加诺大学中国传媒研究中心 张展 博士 演讲题目:framing china: media outlets, news practices and challenges (媒介框架下的中国:外媒在华新闻实践) 张展简历: Dr. Zhan Zhang, postdoc researcher, China Media Observatory, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI); Postdoc researcher, Annenburg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California (USC). Her main research interests include media content analysis, international news-making, media diplomacy and China's Soft Power studies. Since she joined CMO in 2011, she had several Journal publications as well as book chapters concerning media argumentation, media diplomacy, foreign media's news practice in China as well as the development of new media in China. She also played as the organizer and co-editor for a special Journal issue concerning media studies in China, which got published in 2014. She plays as project coordinator for the Europe-CHINA Dialogue in Media and Communication Studies Summer School (co-organized by CMO-USI and School of Journalism and Communication-Peking University), which takes place at Peking University in July 2014 and July 2015. 下载:瑞士卢加诺大学中国传媒研究中心张展博士简介

下一条:2015年10月20日瑞士卢加诺大学传播科学系Gabriele Balbi, Ph.D.讲座