"The experience of the European Food Safety Authority with different formats for risk communication"
讲座地点:北京大学新闻与传播学院 342教室
芭芭拉·甘兰尼(Barbara Gallani),欧洲食品安全局交流参与及合作部主任,英国皇家食品科技学会院士。芭芭拉在处理食品安全领域复杂的传播问题、应对食品领域突发事件及食品恐慌等方面具有丰富的经验。她开发并讲授了针对英国和全球受众的风险交流专家培训课程。2014年她被英国科学院授予“英国百强科学家”称号。
Barbara Gallani is the Head of EFSA's Communication, Engagement & Cooperation Department,also is a Chartered Scientist and Fellow of the Institute of Food Science and Technology. Barbara has extensive experience of communicating complex issues in the areas of food safety, managing incidents and food scares and so on; and developing and delivering specialist training courses on risk communication for UK and global audiences. In January 2014, She was listed as one of the UK Top 100 Scientists by the Science Council.