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Call for Papers: The 8th “Medicine, Humanity and Media”(MHM2025) Health Communication International Conference & PhD Symposium


The ongoing digital revolution, centered on generative artificial intelligence, is reshaping the health communication practices. Along with it, critical questions are emerging for academic research: How can interdisciplinary collaboration address challenges such as data ethics, algorithmic bias, and health equity? How can intelligent tools empower public health literacy? How to reconstruct adaptive knowledge discourse and research paradigm of health communication?  To explore these issues, the 8th International Conference of "Medicine, Humanity and Media" (MHM2025) and its affiliated PhD Symposium will focus on practical transformation and paradigmatic innovation in health communication research.


This conference is designed as a slow conference. Following the one-day international conference, a five-day PhD Symposium will feature morning workshops and afternoon panels(paper presentations and discussions). Optional activities include mentor-mentee office hours, company visits, AED training, and etc. Submissions are welcome in two formats: individual papers and panel proposals. See submission guidelines for details.


Theme: Reconstructing Health Communication in the Digital-Intelligent Era


-Health intervention and behavior change in the digital-intelligent era

-Digital-intelligent technologies and multimodal health message design/dissemination

-Public health emergence and digital-intelligent communication 

-Case studies on digital divides and health inequalities

-Strategic health advocacy and communication promotion in the digital-intelligent era (e.g., tobacco control, cerebral stroke, weight management, etc. )

-Theoretical/methodological development and paradigmatic shifts in health communication research driven by digital-intelligent technologies

-Other related topics


Dates: July 6–11, 2025

Venue: Peking University (Yanyuan Campus), with partial online sessions.

Organizer: School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University


Key Dates

Submission Deadline: May 15, 2025, 23:59 (GMT+8)

Notification of Results: By June 5, 2025

Registration Confirmation: June 15, 2025

International Conference: July 6, 2025

PhD Symposium: July 7–11, 2025


Special Arrangements

This conference integrates with Peking University’s summer course Health Communication Research: Theories and Methods, featuring lectures by leading scholars to foster academic exchange. Accepted authors may attend the course tuition-free; others must register via Peking University’s summer school program.


Publication Opportunities

Selected papers will be published in CNKI’s conference proceedings and considered for Journal of Medicine, Humanity and Media (ISSN 2917-5166). High-quality submissions may also be recommended to other top-tier journals.


No registration fees. Participants are responsible for travel and accommodation.

Contact, 010-62753570 (Ms. Zeng), or 13683359899 (Mr. Wang) for more information.


Submission guidelines

1.       Panel Submission

1)      Panel chair must submit a proposal via email to with the title "Panel Proposal – Name – Institution – Panel Title" (e.g., "Panel Proposal – Zhang San – Peking University – AI and Health Misinformation").

2)      Attachments:

Panel overview (300–500 words) with participant details (name, institution, title, paper title).

Compressed file containing all full papers (4–6 papers) formatted according to individual submission requirements.

2.       Individual Submission

1) This conference accepts submissions in Chinese or English only;

2) Word count: Ideally, Chinese full texts should be between 5,000-8,000 words, and English full texts between 3,000-5,000 words

3) Content requirements: The paper should include a title, abstract, keywords, main text, and notes. For projects funded by provincial-level departments and significant funding programs, the project name and ID must be specified. If the paper is authored by a research group, the names and affiliations of the main group members should be indicated

4)  Formatting requirements: Please refer to the formatting guidelines of the Journal of Medicine, Humanity and Media



5) Title of Email: Name-Institution-Topic Number-Paper Title (for example: Zhang San-Peking University-1-Influence of Media on Health Behavior Formation)

6) The first page of the paper should include the following information in the footer: Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Learning/Working Institution, Educational Background, Academic Title (not required for students), and Research Direction.






本次会议被设计为一个慢速会议。第一天的国际会议之后是一个为期五天的博士生论坛,每日上午为专题工作坊,下午为各分论坛的专题展示与讨论,届时将根据时间安排,开展企业参访、AED培训、导师-学生互动(mentor-mentee office hour)等活动。征集分为个人投稿和分论坛征集两种形式,具体要求见投稿须知。




1.        数智时代的健康干预与行为改变

2.        数智技术与多模态健康讯息设计与传播

3.        公共卫生危机中的数智传播与舆论引导

4.        应对数智鸿沟与健康不平等的个案研究

5.        数智时代的健康传播策略与方法(控烟、体重管理等)

6.        数智时代健康传播理论与方法创新及范式转型

7.        其他相关议题









投稿截止 202551523:59(北京时间)

接收通知 202565日之前

参会确认 2025615

国际会议日期 202576

博士生论坛日期 202577-11




本届会议将评选优秀投稿论文,入选论文经作者同意后,将以知网重要会议论文集形式发表,并可在《医学、人本与媒介学刊》(Journal of Medicine, Humanity and Media (ISSN 2917-5166))发表,还可推荐至其他重要学刊发表。


获取更多详情可邮件联系mhm_office@163.com或致电:010- 62753570(曾老师)、13683359899(王同学)



1.分论坛投稿。为了鼓励和增进学术交流,本届会议特别设置了分论坛征集环节。分论坛可自定主题,由多位作者(4-6人)围绕同一主题提交论文,并由分论坛召集人(panel Chair)向会议举办方提出申请。每个分论坛可推荐一位指导老师,由主办方邀请参会并做主旨演讲。每个分论坛仅需分论坛负责人(panel Chair)发送提案邮件至,邮件标题分论坛提案-姓名-单位-分论坛名称(例如:分论坛提案-张三-北京大学-人工智能与伪健康信息)。提案邮件需包括以下两项附件:1)包含分论坛名称、整体介绍(300-500字)、参与者信息(姓名、单位、学历/职称、投稿论文标题)的word/PDF文件;2)包含所有分论坛参与者论文全文的压缩包。分论坛参与者的论文格式参照个人论文投稿要求。


2. 个人投稿者请于202551523:59之前将论文全文(未正式发表)提交至本邮箱:mhm_office@163.com202565日(北京时间)之前,主办方将公布入选名单并向入选者发出参会邀请。具体投稿要求如下:

    1) 本会议仅接受中文或英文全文投稿;

    2) 字数要求:中文全文以5000-8000字为佳,英文全文以3000-5000词为佳;

    3) 内容要求:需包含标题、摘要、关键词、正文、注释,省部级及重要基金项目需注明项目名称及编号,论文以课题组署名须著名课题组主要成员姓名及工作单位;

    4)  格式要求:参阅JMHM学刊格式要求;



   5) 邮件标题:姓名-单位-投稿主题编号-论文标题(例如:张三-北京大学-1-生成式人工智能在健康叙事中的伦理风险);

    6) 论文首页需在页脚注明以下信息:姓名、出生年月、性别、学习/工作单位、学历、职称(在校生不需填写此项)、研究方向。





上一条:会议通知 | 第十二届新闻史论青年论坛暨北京大学新闻学研究会年会 (2025·呼和浩特)学术研讨会会议通知