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北大新闻与传播学院与宾州大学安能堡传播学院合作举办暑期课程 继2006年暑期研究生课程《媒体政策、技术与文化:变化中的视角》之后,北大新闻与传播学院与宾州大学安能堡传播学院将于2007年暑期再次开设合作课程。本次课程的招生对象是本科和研究生一年级的学生,由中美老师共同授课。安能堡传播学院将有10-15名美国学生到北京,与对等数目的中国学生一起上课、讨论和实践。课程时间为7月9日到8月10日,周一至周四上课,上下午共3课时,周五实地考察,授课与作业语言为英语。课程简介如下: For students interested in learning about global communication in an Asian context, American and Chinese students will learn side by side in the classroom through a partnership with Peking University. To foster deeper social and intellectual relationships, the program will include structured interactions such as small group breakout time in classes, collaborative research projects, weekly field trips with discussions, and weekly social activities. Experiential learning is also built into the program. Classes run Monday through Thursday with Fridays reserved for pre-planned excursions intended to explain and conceptualize major developments and themes in the construction of modern China. Excursions include: Site visits to Olympic venues, including the Olympic Green. CCTV and/or State Administration of Radio and Television (SARFT) Key commercial spaces representative of the new Chinese economy Factory 7-9-8, a state-tolerated artists commune and gallery collective Hutongs—the traditional neighborhoods threatened by China’s modernization bid. The Great Wall Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City Liu Li Chang—Beijing’s most prominent antiques neighborhood Key spaces of ethnic and religious minority representations and congregation, such as Niujie Mosque, Beijing Zhonghua Minzu Yuan (Chinese Ethnic Culture Park), and restaurants featuring cuisine from the diverse cultures of China’s provinces. National museums and other sites of officially sanctioned Chinese history and culture. Other spaces of cultural and social significance, such as public parks and street markets. In addition, a list of suggested activities will be provided for student free days in which students pursue independent activities and research interests. 本项目一共开设两门课: Communications 396: Media Events and the Beijing Olympics Live broadcasts of historic events—contests, conquests, and coronations—constitute a new form of ceremonial politics whereby television joins the establishment and audience to declare a holiday. This course will take the Beijing Olympics as a timely case study through which students will analyze the genre of Media Events—their diffusion, politics, aesthetics, ethnography, and effects. Communications 348: Mass Media and Creative Industries in Contemporary China This course surveys the media landscape in contemporary China by focusing on negotiations between Party-state ideologies, market imperatives, technological forces, and communication sensibilities of average citizens. It will take an interpretive and critical approach toward the cultural, economic and political implications of a wide range of media texts and practices. Specific topics include Chinese newspapers caught in between political control and commercialization, film and television industries in the era of globalization, life-style magazines and consumer culture, politics of popular media discourses, new media and the potential of public sphere. 选课的同学需要两门课一起选,共4个学分。 有兴趣的同学请于4月20日之前将报名意愿发到吴靖老师处。报名时请提供姓名、年级、学号、email、英语水平证明(四、六级或其他英语水平考试成绩)。 学院将根据双方报名情况决定最后的选课人数。
