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诚邀合作者 《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)创刊于1922年,80年的历程使《哈佛商业评论》成为一个全球性的高级管理论坛,被业界誉为“管理圣经”,《经济学人》(The Economist)对《哈佛商业评论》的评价是——“独立承载了管理史上的所有争论”。 《哈佛商业评论》中文版已在2002年9月在中国出版,因业务发展所需,现招聘以下人员: 组稿编辑(Associate Editor):1名 工作地点:北京 职责: 1. 策划选题 2. 海外文稿的翻译审效和编辑 3. 国内的内容采写和组稿。 要求: 1. 年龄25岁以上 2. 相关工作年限3年以上。 3. 管理或相关专业硕士以上文凭 4. 扎实的中文写作、编辑功底和良好的英文读写能力,具备英文采访能力 5. 有商业出版物翻译或编辑工作经验者优先。 以上人员经笔试和面试后录用。 有意应聘者请将个人简历(注明应聘岗位) E-mail 至: Recruitment@hbrchina.com 或寄往:(200031) 上海市五原路380号《哈佛商业评论》中文版人力资源部 蒋卓晶收 联系电话:021-54045855*725 Harvard Business Review China HBR China is the Chinese edition of Harvard Business Review (HBR), the core publication of Harvard Business School. Since its founding, HBR has a proud tradition of being the world’s preeminent business magazine, publishing cutting-edge, authoritative thinking on the key issues facing managers. Carrying on that tradition today with more vigor and conviction than ever, providing its readers with engaging articles that provoke both thought and action, HBR has become a management forum of worldwide significance and impact. With a reputation of The Bible of Management, HBR carries unparalleled authority. With its rapid development, HBR China is now looking for bright and highly motivated candidates. Positions: Associate Editors (Number: 1) Locations: 北京 Responsibilities: 1. Content Planning; 2. Translating and editing; 3. Developing local contents. Requirements: 1. Master degree graduate on management or related fields; 2. At Least 3-5 year of experiences in management practice and research; 3. Solid foundations in Chinese writing and editing. Keep strong abilities in reading and writing given both Chinese and English; 4. Preferable with experiences in publishing industry or in business publication editing. All the candidates are required to do a written test before interviews. We offer an excellent career opportunity. Please send full CV, expected annual salary, desired work place, contact telephone number & email address to: Recruitment@hbrchina.com Or to Miss Sylvia Jiang 380 Wu Yuan Road, Shanghai 200031 Tel:021-54045855*725
